1st Flyer
Learn more about the project's objectives, scope and consortium.

2nd Flyer
Learn more about PlasCarb's results and achievements and get involved in the Plascarb process.

1st Newsletter - 3 March, 2015
Our first Newsletter was launched in March 2015, providing overall information on the project, as well as a discussion on the main scientific achievements and the events where PlasCarb was showcased.

2nd Newsletter - 7 July 2016
Our second Newsletter is a special version describing PlasCarb results to-date and inviting you to two high-level European conferences where PlasCarb will exhibit, present and interlink with all interested visitors.

3rd Newsletter  - 9 September 2016
Stay informed about the latest PlasCarb news with the September 2016 edition of our Newsletter. We focus on two major topics: The successfully completed Plant Trial and the Exhibition by the PlasCarb consortium at the 7th international conference on Advanced Nanomaterials 25 - 27 July in Aveiro, Portugal.

Biogas Generation (PlasCarb Deliverable D2.1)
This document focuses on the first step of the PlasCarb process, namely the biogas generation by anaerobic digestion (AD). For the period of one year, specific analytical data for the generation of biogas from AD has been obtained and interpreted.

Report to Discuss Upgrading of Biogas for Feed to a Plasma Reactor (PlasCarb Deliverable D4.1)
PlasCarb's aim is to transform biogas generated by Anaerobic Digestion (AD) of food waste into high value graphitic carbon and renewable hydrogen. The biogas is first upgraded to biomethane and then fed to an innovative low energy microwave plasma reactor and downstream separator, to generate and then separate the carbon from an off-gas containing hydrogen which is then processed further. This report considers the separation techniques available to purify and upgrade the biogas to a methane-rich stream with a specification suitable for feeding to the PlasCarb plasma reactor. Specifically contained within this report is a discussion of results from an Aspen Plus process model for a high pressure water scrubber system, and experimental results from a lab-scale trial of a membrane unit, both of which are processes to remove carbon dioxide from the biogas. The outcome of this report is a decision on which unit operations for purification and upgrading of biogas should be taken forward to pilot plant trials and then main plant trials.

Report about Food Waste Statistics In Europe
Food waste could be an important source of alternative fuel. Nowadays, increasing population, advanced technologies and limited fossil fuels force authorities to use food waste as an alternative energy and material source. In addition, using food waste as an energy or material source decreases greenhouse gas emissions and demand on landfill. The aim of this report is to provide statistics and information about food waste generation in European Union (EU-28) for an evaluation of the regional and political waste management strategies from across Europe.

Hof et al. 2016: Conductive Inks of graphitic nanoparticles from a sustainable carbon feedstock

Why green is the new black: Plascarb researchers publish a study to prove that sustainable graphitic carbon is a worthy competitor to the market-leading carbon black

A new research conducted by the PlasCarb team managed to reveal important scientific discoveries. Firstly, microwave plasma splitting of biogas seems to be a promising technique to produce large quantities of highly sought-after carbon-based materials such as graphitic nano carbons. Secondly, these graphitic particles proved to constitute an excellent basis for conductive inks or coatings. The substance has been tested against the properties of the commercially available carbon black and the results have shown that it can indeed perform equally to its competitor while it could be generated from food waste, a renewable resource. Based on these findings, it is safe to say that through further exploration and exploitation this technology might be the key to warrant a steady supply of state-of-the-art graphitic materials in the face of growing demand.

The PlasCarb technology is a revolutionary way of repurposing abundant food waste by creating high quality graphitic nano carbons and thus offering an attractive alternative to the fossil-based carbon black. In light of the depletion of fossil resources, observations such as these are fundamental in order to achieve a green technology-based, fully functional yet sustainable industry.

Tezel et al. 2016: Test Report: Application of Renewable PlasCarbon in Batteries

PlasCarb researchers from the teams at Abalonyx, Norway, and CNRS, France, published a report on their study from July 2016. Togehter with colleagues from Graphene Batteries, a norwegian SME, they tried to answer the question whether and how Renewable PlasCarbon (RPC) can be efficiently applied in market-available batteries and whether it can compete against carbon black being conventionally used for this purpose.

Motealleh 2016: Advances in Bone Tissue Engineering with Renewable PlasCarbon

The most recent study by Abalonyx explored how Renewable PlasCarbon might be a valuable reinforcement to bone tissue scaffolds made of bioglass. Compared to the conventional ceramic scaffolds, RPC enhances the material with improved mechanical, conductivity and chemical properties. The promising findings provide a useful incentive for further testing and exploration of using PlasCarbon in the medical field.

Industry Seminars (PlasCarb Deliverable 10.6)

The  PlasCarb  consortium  has  planned,  organised  and  implemented  industry  seminars,  within  the framework  of  two  high-level  European  events.  The  purpose  of  these  industry  seminars  has  been twofold.  Firstly,  PlasCarb-specific  knowledge  was  transferred  to  the  project's  target  groups  and secondly contacts have been built with interested potential stakeholders to ensure the continuation of PlasCarb's commercialisation as well as research and development efforts.

Articles for Publication (PlasCarb Deliverable 10.7)

This  deliverable  provides  a  list  of  all  project  disclosures  which  were  submitted  within  the  project duration  for  further  dissemination.  The  project  put  forward  a  total  of  27  disclosures  (scientific publications, general  interest  articles,  presentations  and  press releases) with  the  help  of  all  project partners.

PlasCarb Viability Assessemt (PlasCarb Deliverable 10.8)

The PlasCarb post project engagement portal provides interested users of the PlasCarb technology the  opportunity  to  get  an  overview  over  the  benefits  as  well  as  the  requirements  of  the  entire PlasCarb value chain. Moreover, it allows the user interested in adopting the PlasCarb technology to generate a preliminary assessment of the viability of the installation within a user set context. The portal  documents  the  interest  of  users  in  the  PlasCarb  project  and  provides  and  interface  for establishing contact and business opportunities between a user and PlasCarb.

PlasCarb Policy Brief (PlasCarb Deliverable 10.9)

This PlasCarb Policy Brief presents the innovative  waste management value chain developed within the PlasCarb project and shows how this technology can contribute to enhancing the competitiveness of the EU as a single market. It is aimed at policy makers at EU institutions such as the European Commission’s DG Internal Market and DG Environment, stakeholders of the PlasCarb process, and the general public. Specific recommendations are laid out to support eco-innovations such as PlasCarb to enter the market more easily.