International Progress in Biogas III Conference

Stuttgart, Germany

More than 80 experts on biogas from almost 30 countries representing all continents will discuss the achievements and developments on: - Domestic biogas plants, - Agricultural biogas plants, - Environment, methane-emissions, - Process control, modelling of the biogas process, - Innovative fermentation and digester construction methods, - Digestation application and management, - Biogas generation from industrial, communal and municipal bio-waste, - Flexibility of biogas production and use, - Process inhibition, - Technical economical and social cooperative structures of decentralized small scale biogas systems, - Pretreatment technologies, among others.

During the conference a practitioners forum, an Oral-Poster-Session with more than 20 speakers, posters sessions and an exhibition will take place. In the exhibition, companies and organizations will present their products, services and technical innovations to the international audience experts. We expect to have about 400 participants. Additionally, there will be the opportunity to take part in an agricultural or a research field trip.