Moving towards a circular economy

European Commission will present an ambitious circular economy strategy in late 2015

The Commission is aiming to present a new, more ambitious circular economy strategy late in 2015, to transform Europe into a more competitive resource-efficient economy, addressing a range of economic sectors, including waste.

The proposal will be fully aligned with the priorities of the new Commission. The Commission is engaged in a thorough reflection on how the objective of circular economy can be reached in an efficient way that is fully compatible with the jobs and growth agenda.

The new strategy will include a new legislative proposal on waste targets, taking into account the input already given to us during public consultations, and by Council and in Parliament, in particular the comments made by many that the previous proposals needed to be more country-specific.

More information: Circular economy roadmap

CLOSING THE LOOP - Circular Economy: boosting business, reducing waste

The Commission is organising a Circular Economy Conference in Brussels on 25 June 2015. The conference is open to all stakeholders wishing to contribute in shaping the European economy policy making. It will consist of a plenary session with keynote from circular economy experts and business and civil society representatives, followed by a series of split up sessions addressing specific aspects of the circular economy, and it will be closed by a panel.

Please note that attendance is free but registration is required.

More details are available on the Registration website or you can contact the event mail box: