Twitter list: top circular economy accounts to follow


In no particular order, these are the tweeters we think can help you better understand the circular economy.


1. Ellen MacArthur Foundation


The most obvious place to start, The Ellen MacArthur Foundation works in education, business innovation and analysis to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. Regularly tweets links to useful resources.



2. Andrew Morlet


The CEO of the Ellen MacArthur Fondation, Morlet often tweets new circular economy case studies.



3. Jamie Butterworth


Partner of Circularity Capital and former CEO of Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Butterworth’s feed is full of links to interesting interesting articles on design.



4. Steven Parkinson


Co-Founder of Teach Design and lead practitioner of Design and Technology at Archbishop Holgate’s School. As you’d expect from his job title, Parkinson shares interesting links to new design and technology innovations.



5. Kate Goldsworthy


A good feed for fans of fashion, Goldsworthy tweets on design for cyclability, material innovation, technology and transformation in the textile industry.



6. Frank O’Connor


Ex-founder of the Ecodesign Centre, O’Connor tweets all things sustainable design.



7. The Great Recovery


A useful account for designers, The Great Recovery aims to join the dots and connect designers, manufacturers and waste experts.



8. Rachel Botsman


An expert on the collaborative economy, writer and speaker. Follow Bostman if you want to learn more about the sharing economy.



9. Liz Goodwin


CEO of Wrap, Goodwin often live tweets from events and shares links to her new blog pieces.



10. Estelle Brachlianoff


Executive vice-president for Veolia, UK & Ireland. Brachlianoff tweets mostly about the opportunities that a circular economy presents to business.



11. Janez Potočnik


Co-chair of UN International Resource Panel and former European commissioner for environment, Potočnik mainly retweets interesting resources and commentary.



12. Edward Robinson


Environmentalist, journalist, consultant and Brussels watcher, Robinson will be useful to follow as the European Union reworks last year’s abandoned circular economy package.



13. Circul’R


This feed will be sharing examples of circular economy initiatives from around the world until the end of 2016.



14. Go Circular


Go Circular is an online platform to promote circular economy thinking. Follow its Twitter feed for a wide range of circular economy insights.