PlasCarb featured in the Fraunhofer IBP annual report
PlasCarb is one of the six highlight-projects 2015 at the Institute for Building Physics (IBP) of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Under this category the project is featured on page 36 in the IBP's annual report for the year 2015 .
Under the title "Harnessing Hidden Potentials from Food Waste" (freely interpreted from the German original) the report gives insight into the work of the involved researchers at the institute and the overall results of PlasCarb.
The report places the project within the frame of a circular economy. It discusses that PlasCarb is not only able to raise awareness of the high amounts of food waste all over Europe. It visualizes also that it is able to harness its hidden potentials, namely the recovery of critical raw materies, through fascinating and innovative technology.